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Federated query with secured SPARQL endpoint

I'm trying to use federated queries with Jena via a Fuseki endpoint. With the SERVICE keyword in my SPARQL query, I'm connecting to a Stardog endpoint. As it's a secured URL, the endpoint is specified as follows: http://admin:admin@url. As this is not secure, Jena shows the following message:

Code: 36/HAS_PASSWORD in USER: Including passwords in URIs is deprecated.

According to the docs, you can specify srv:queryAuthUser and srv:queryAuthPwd for the credentials. Is there any way to do this directly in the SPARQL query? Or, can it be configured in Fuseki (ttl file)?


When I use @RobV's solution, the service context doesn't seem to be picked up. This is what the context looks like:

symbol: = symbol:
symbol: = true
symbol: = false
symbol: = false
symbol: = com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.solver.StageGeneratorDirectTDB@6f2dd58d
symbol: = true
symbol: = false
symbol: = false
symbol: = com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.pfunction.PropertyFunctionRegistry@6f05ca41
symbol: = com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.solver.OpExecutorTDB$1@2a1f5501

When I leave the Fuseki config as is, and add the service context in my business layer, the service context does seem to be added:

symbol: = {http://host:5820/db/query=symbol: = usr
symbol: = pwd}

Eitherway, I'm still getting an unauthorized message when I execute a federated query.


  • No there is no way to do this directly in the SPARQL query

    In theory you could use the ja:context property in the Fuseki configuration file to specify context properties. However in practise this does not work because a service context is a nested context and the assembler does not support nested contexts currently.

    However what you can do instead is to to use the ja:loadClass mechanism to load a custom class that you add to the class path which does the necessary static initialisation e.g.

    [] rdf:type fuseki:Server ;
       ja:loadClass "com.example.YourInitializer" ;
       fuseki:services (
         # Whatever services you are defining
       ) .

    Note that you MUST associate your initialiser with the subject that represents the fuseki:Server instance otherwise the ja:loadClass triple may not get processed.

    And then:

    package org.apache.jena.playground;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ARQ;
    import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.engine.http.Service;
    import com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.util.Context;
    public class StardogInitializer {
        public static void init() {
            // Prepare Stardog specific context
            Context stardogContext = new Context();
            stardogContext.set(Service.queryAuthUser, "admin");
            stardogContext.set(Service.queryAuthPwd, "admin");
            // Associate context with your endpoint URL
            Map<String, Context> serviceContexts = new HashMap<>();
            // temp here is the name of the Stardog database to be queried
            serviceContexts.put("http://localhost:5820/temp/query", stardogContext);
            // Associate service contexts with the global ARQ context
            ARQ.getContext().set(Service.serviceContext, serviceContexts);

    Note that the method needs to be static and needs to be called init() in order for Fuseki to invoke it.

    With this revised setup I was able to successfully query my local Stardog server.