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All possible combinations of Three-valued logic values

Is there an algorithm to lead all possible combinations of given amount of three-valued logic values?

For example, F(2) should return this list:

t t
t u
t f
u t
u u
u f
f t
f u
f f

The function would look like this (in Haskell):

data Tril = FALSE | NULL | TRUE

all :: Int -> [[Tril]]
all amount = ???

all1 :: [Tril]
all1 = join (all 1)

all2 :: [(Tril, Tril)]
all2 = map (\[f, s] -> (f, s)) (all 2)

all3 :: [(Tril, Tril, Tril)]
all3 = map (\[f, s, t] -> (f, s, t)) (all 3)


  • You can do this very simply as a list comprehension:

    all2 = [ (v1, v2) | v1 <- [FALSE, TRUE, NULL], v2 <- [FALSE, TRUE, NULL] ]

    You can write it equivalently as a monadic do-block:

    all2 = do
      v1 <- [FALSE, TRUE, NULL]
      v2 <- [FALSE, TRUE, NULL]
      return (v1, v2)

    And that gives us an idea for how we can write the variable-size one:

    all 0 = [[]] -- Note: Empty list with one empty item.
    all n = do
      v  <- [FALSE, TRUE, NULL]
      vs <- all (n-1)
      return (v:vs)

    As it turns out — and this is slightly mind-bending — this is the net effect of the replicateM function. It takes a monadic action, does it N times, and gathers the results together.

    all n = replicateM n [FALSE, TRUE, NULL]