I am writing an API with Spring/Mongo/Jersey to do CRUD on a POJO that has a generic map of properties like this:
public class Thing {
private String id;
private Map<String,String> properties;
This is working great to return items. My resource code looks like this:
BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("properties.name", "vlad the impaler");
return Response.ok(myService.queryThings(query)).build();
And my abstract DAO looks like this:
public List<T> find(Query query) {
return mongoOps.find(query, clazzOfItem);
What I can't tell is if the @Indexed annotation is working. I'd like to try explain, (http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/method/cursor.explain/), but I don't see any examples that show me how to call the lower level driver API from spring data.
I'd like to be able to turn on debugging like so:
public List<T> find(Query query) {
if (debugOn) {
String queryPathDetails = mongoOps.executeCommand( /*NOW WHAT??*/ ).toString();
return mongoOps.find(query, clazzOfItem);
Any help you can provided will be much appreciated!
We don't provide support for that yet, but you could simply set a breakpoint here org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.MongoTemplate.QueryCursorPreparer.prepare(..)
In the debugger of your choice you can then simply execute a
e.g. via the eclipse display view.