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How to validate errors for items in IQueryable<T> collection?

Let's say I have a class TmpClass, I use this class for returning data from Excel sheet using LinqToExcel ExcelQueryFactory. In this class I need to implement some logic to check data correctness. When I retrieve data from Excel sheet using ExcelQueryFactory it returns ExcelQueryable (which descends from IQueryalbe) There can be validation problems with multiple TmpClass instances - how can I process them in a collections style?

Class for Excel sheet data mapping

public class TmpClass
    private string _name;
    public string Name
        set {
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
                throw new ArgumentException("Value can not be null/whitespace!");
            _name = value;

retrieving data from Excel sheet with LinqToExcel ExcelQueryFactory

..initialize ExcelQueryFactory instance, get column names, set column mapping
//retrieve data    
var dataFromExcel = excel.Worksheet<TmpClass>(...worksheet name).ToList();

When reading Excel sheet rows, for some of them TmpClass.Name setter function will throw ArgumentException - I need a way to process all the Excel sheet rows:

  1. do some actions for rows (logging) that had ArgumentException
  2. and do some other operations for rows with valid data.

Can I get a collection of invalid items (with exception info perhaps)? Can I get a collection of valid items?


  • It may be hard to do even if you will iterate items manually.

    var enumerator = excel.Worksheet<TmpClass>(...).GetEnumerator();
    while (true)
            if (!enumerator.MoveNext())
            // use enumerator.Current some way
            // you can't use enumerator.Current

    As the exception occurs when calling MoveNext, it's impossible to know whether there are more items in an enumerable or not. And it's not guaranteed that MoveNext had moved a pointer on element actually.

    Therefore, apparently, the easiest way is to create another class like the TmpClass without any business-logic, just to store values, and to use this new class.