I'm new to MongoDB and having some issues. Following this easy guide here (http://docs.mongodb.org/ecosystem/tutorial/getting-started-with-csharp-driver) but I'm instead connecting to a database that I did not personally create. So when the examples include something like:
var collection = database.GetCollection<Entity>("entities");
it doesn't work for the actual database i'm connecting to because I don't have the class. it's full of types that I can't just guess.. for example:
/* 0 */
"_id" : ObjectId("54f0f990cea606d49fafd5h2"),
"Time" : ISODate("2015-02-27T23:11:12.301Z"),
"Timecode" : "15:11:12:18",
"Round" : "1",
"FighterID" : 5,
"FighterName" : "John Doe",
"TypeID" : 1,
"Type" : "jab",
"HandID" : 2,
"Hand" : "left",
"Force" : 0.0,
"Velocity" : 8.0789527768068456,
"Confidence" : 67.689217510307827,
"ImpactType" : 1,
"FightID" : "fea5dc60-b898-11e4-ac68-a5f571ea05d9"
i don't know how to make a class for that since the class members are rather complicated.
how do i go about doing this?
I am not aware of any way to create the class out of mongodb like we have with EF and linq-to-sql.
I suggest you do one of two things, and i believe the second solution will harder but closer to what you asking
Try use bsonextractelements attribute to catch all complicated fields
public MyClass {
// fields and properties
public BsonDocument CatchAll { get; set; }
use reflection and store the name of properties as well as the data type of each property to txt file maybe. Then create your class manually.