I have a iPad app for which I created a category for one of the View Controllers; how can I access some labels on a Storyboard scene for that View Controller from the category?
This is the code from the category:
if( ([highValue compare: zero] == NSOrderedDescending) && ([lowValue compare: nines] == NSOrderedAscending) &&
([computedAverageValue compare:zero] == NSOrderedDescending)) { // if there are NO new books, don't display anything
oHighPriceNew.text = [formatter stringFromNumber: highValue];
oLowPriceNew.text = [formatter stringFromNumber: lowValue];
oAveragePriceNew.text = [formatter stringFromNumber: computedAverageValue];
This is the error for all three labels:
Use of undeclared identifier 'oHighPriceNew'
They are declared and connected in the View Controller...
You need to refer the properties either with
self.oHighPriceNew.text = [formatter stringFromNumber: highValue];
self.oLowPriceNew.text = [formatter stringFromNumber: lowValue];
self.oAveragePriceNew.text = [formatter stringFromNumber:computedAverageValue];
_oHighPriceNew.text = [formatter stringFromNumber: highValue];
_oLowPriceNew.text = [formatter stringFromNumber: lowValue];
_oAveragePriceNew.text = [formatter stringFromNumber:computedAverageValue];