I need to run a SYNCHRONOUS call to parse.com. This is what I got:
var query = PFQuery(className:"myClass")
query.whereKey("groupClassId", equalTo:self.currentGroupId)
query.selectKeys(["objectId", "firstName", "lastName"])
self.arrayCurrentData = query.findObjects() as Array<myData>
This return the correct number of rows from parse.com and fills up my local array. But how can I extract the data from the array? If I look at the array at runtime it shows that all the data I need is in 'serverData' in self.arrayCurrentData.
Normally if I loop an async(findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock) filled array I would ask
to get the lastName, but that is not the case in the sync array. There I can't ask directly for values (or so it seems).
Anyone who know what I am talking about and how to get data synchronous from parse.com?
Get the PFObject's attributes with valueForKey()
. This is true whether or not the object was fetched synchronously. In other words...
EDIT - This approach generates a compiler message because you've typed the response as Array<myData>
. But find returns PFObjects, so ...
self.arrayCurrentData = query.findObjects() as [PFObject]
... is the correct cast. I'm not a swift speaker, but the expression self.arrayCurrentData[i].lastName
pleases the compiler because arrayCurrentData[i]
is typed as myData
. But this fails at run time because the real returned objects are PFObjects.
As an aside, I'd take a hard look at the rationale for fetching synchronously. I can't think of a case where its a good idea on the main thread. (off the main okay, but then you've already opted for asynch vs. the main, and the block-based methods provide a good way to encapsulate the post-fetch logic).