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Storing and accessing a piecewise interpolant using a single handle

I have a dataset containing two vectors of points, X and Y that represents measurements of an "exponential-like" phenomenon (i.e. Y = A*exp(b*x)). When fitting it with an exponential equation I'm getting a nice-looking fit, but when I'm using it to compute things it turns out that the fit is not quite as accurate as I would hope.

Currently my most promising idea is a piecewise exponential fit (taking about 6 (x,y) pairs each time), which seems to provide better results in cases I tested manually. Here's a diagram to illustrate what I mean to do:

// Assuming a window of size WS=4:
 - - - - - - - - - - - -  //the entire X span of the data
[- - - -]- - // the fit that should be evaluated for X(1)<= x < X(floor(WS/2)+1)
 -[- - - -]- // the fit that should be evaluated for X(3)<= x < X(4)
 - - - - - -[- - - -]- - // X(8)<= x < X(9)
... //and so on

Some Considerations:

  • I considered filtering the data before fitting, but this is tricky since I don't really know anything about the type of noise it contains.
  • I would like the piecewise fit (including all different cases) to be accessible using a single function handle. It's very similar to MATLAB's Shape-preserving "PCHIP" interpolant, only that it should use an exponential function instead.
  • The creation of the fit does not need to happen during the runtime of another code. I even prefer to create it separately.
  • I'm not worried about the potential unsmoothness of the final function.
  • The only way of going about this I could think of is defining an .m file as explained in Fit a Curve Defined by a File, but that would require manually writing conditions for almost as many cases as I have points (or obviously write a code that generates this code for me, which is also a considerable effort).

Relevant code snippets:

clear variables; clc;
%% // Definitions
CONSTS.N_PARAMETERS_IN_MODEL = 2; %// For the model y = A*exp(B*x);
    'WINDOW_SIZE should be a natural even number.');
%% // Example Data
X = [0.002723682418630,0.002687088539567,0.002634005004610,0.002582978173834,...
Y = [0.178923076435990,0.213320004768074,0.263918364216839,0.324208349386613,...
assert(CONSTS.WINDOW_SIZE <= length(X),...
    'WINDOW_SIZE cannot be larger than the amount of points.');
X = flipud(X); Y = flipud(Y); % ascending sorting is needed later for histc
%% // Initialization
nFits = length(X)-CONSTS.WINDOW_SIZE+1;
coeffMat(nFits,CONSTS.N_PARAMETERS_IN_MODEL) = 0; %// Preallocation
ft = fittype( 'exp1' );
opts = fitoptions( 'Method', 'NonlinearLeastSquares' );
%% // Populate coefficient matrix
for ind1 = 1:nFits
    [xData, yData] = prepareCurveData(...
    %// Fit model to data:
    fitresult = fit( xData, yData, ft, opts );
    %// Save coefficients:
    coeffMat(ind1,:) = coeffvalues(fitresult);
clear ft opts ind1 xData yData fitresult ans
%% // Get the transition points
xTrans = [-inf; X(CONSTS.WINDOW_SIZE/2+1:end-CONSTS.WINDOW_SIZE/2); inf];

At this point, xTrans and coeffMat contain all the required information to evaluate the fits. To show this we can look at a vector of some test data:

testPts = [X(1), X(1)/2, mean(X(4:5)), X(CONSTS.WINDOW_SIZE)*1.01,2*X(end)];

...and finally the following should roughly happen internally within the handle:

%% // Get the correct fit# to be evaluated:
if ~isempty(xTrans) %// The case of nFits==1
    rightFit = find(histc(testPts(3),xTrans));
    rightFit = 1;
%% // Actually evaluate the right fit
f = @(x,A,B)A*exp(B*x);
yy = f(testPts(3),coeffMat(rightFit,1),coeffMat(rightFit,2));

And so my problem is how to hold that last bit (along with all the fit coefficients) inside a single handle, that accepts an arbitrarily-sized input of points to interpolate on?

Related resources:


  • It's not all clear but why not to puts things into a class ?

    classdef Piecewise < handle
            % Construction
            function [this] = Piecewise(xmeas, ymeas)
                ... here compute xTrans and coeffMat...
            % Interpolation
            function [yinterp] = Evaluate(xinterp)
                ... Here use previously computed xTrans and coeffMat ...
        properties(SetAccess=Private, GetAccess=Private)

    In this way you can prcompute xTrans vector and coeffMat matrix during construction and then later reuse these properties when you need to evaluate interpolant at xinterp values in Evaluate method.

    % The real measured data
    xmeas = ...
    ymeas = ...
    % Build piecewise interpolation object
    piecewise = Piecewise(x,meas, ymeas);
    % Rebuild curve at any new positions
    xinterp = ...
    yinterp = piecewise.Evaluate(xinterp);

    Function like syntax

    If you truly prefer to have function-handle like syntax, you can still internally use above Piecewise object and add extra static method to return it as a function handle:

    classdef Piecewise < handle
        ... see code above...
            function [f] = MakeHandle(xmeas, ymeas)
                obj = Piecewise(xmeas, ymeas);
                f = @(x)obj.Evaluate(x);

    This can be used like this:

    f = Piecewise.MakeHandle(xmeas, ymeas);
    yinterp = f(xinterp);

    PS1: You can later put Evaluate and Piecewise constructor methods as private if you absolutely wanna to force this syntax.

    PS2: To fully hide object oriented design, you can turn MakeHandle into a fully classic routine (will work the same as if static and users won't have to type Piecewise. in front of MakeHandle).

    A last solution without oop

    Put everything in a single .m file :

    function [f] = MakeHandle(xmeas, ymeas)
        ... Here compute xTrans and coeffMat ...
        f = @(x)compute(x, xTrans, coeffMat);% Passing xTrans/coeffMatt as hidden parameters
    function [yinterp] = compute(xinterp, xTrans, coeffMat)
        ... do interpolation here...