Version: Nexus OSS 2.11.2-03 OS: Windows 7 Professional Error: "createrepo" not available and "mergerepo" not available
For clarity sake, I am trying to create a yum proxy using Nexus OSS on Windows7.
Now, I get it that creating a yum repo/proxy on windows is a bit counter intuitive, but that's what I'm being "asked" to do. If it really just is not possible, then let me know.
I had thought that Nexus OSS came with yum support out of the box, but I'm having some problems.
I do not have "yum" as one of the available repository types when I create a new proxy.
In the Administration->Capabilities screen, I see the above error/warning.
The Nexus yum support in Nexus 2 relies on the native createrepo and mergerepo commands. As such it needs to be run on a OS that allows these tools to be installed.
Read more about this in the yum chapter of the Nexus documentation.
Nexus 3 no longer relies on these native tools for YUM repositories, and is production ready.