I have code like below, both foo and bar have a user option and I need to write:
@click.option('--user', default='*')
twice for each function.
But I actually have a lot of cmds like this, so it is a lot of repeated code.
@click.group(help="cmd group")
def main():
@click.option('--user', default='*')
def foo(user):
click.secho(user, fg='green')
@click.option('--user', default='*')
def bar(user):
click.secho(user, fg='green')
What I want is to add the same option to one place in the group of cmd. ow can I do this using click?
pass it in the context:
@click.group(help="cmd group")
@click.option('--user', default='*')
def main(ctx, user):
ctx.obj = {'user': user}
def foo(ctx):
click.secho(ctx.obj['user'], fg='green')
def bar(ctx):
click.secho(ctx.obj['user'], fg='green')
mycli --user cats bar
will echo cats from the bar subcommand