Is there a way to control the width of the bars in a bar graph? Currently I am seeing the first and last bars default to half the width of the remaining (middle) bars.
Note, this is a Duplicate: Anyway appears there have been quite a few changes between v3.1.3 and 4.0.0, as I also hit this one. The BarGraph specific logic in v3 of the library that shunted the viewport up and down half an xInterval, so you got a full width bar for the first and last entry on screen appears to have been dropped, but it's trivial to code around e.g.
double xInterval=1.0;
if (dataSeries instanceof BarGraphSeries ) {
// Shunt the viewport, per v3.1.3 to show the full width of the first and last bars.
graphView.getViewport().setMinX(dataSeries.getLowestValueX() - (xInterval/2.0));
graphView.getViewport().setMaxX(dataSeries.getHighestValueX() + (xInterval/2.0));
} else {
graphView.getViewport().setMinX(dataSeries.getLowestValueX() );