Here is my site OC. 1.5.4.
There is contact url in green horizontal menu. I added it myself in header.tpl:
<li><a href="">Contact</a></li>
But I can't translate it in this case. So I want change this link, as it is the footer. Second column from the left, first link from above:
<li><a href="<?php echo $contact; ?>"><?php echo $text_contact; ?></a></li>
I did it but auto-translate doesn't work, unlike in the footer.
I try to change or delete same link in vq2-catalog_view_theme_bigshop_template_common_header.tpl on line 237
But in this case I get the error:
"Notice: Undefined variable: text_contact in /home/italimpo/domains/ on line 237"
So, how to make this link auto-translated? What is the right way to add this url in header.tpl?
You have to add the following code to the following files
catalog/controller/common/header.php open above file and paste below line in index() function.
$this->data['text_contact'] = sprintf($this->language->get('text_contact');
second edit the language file of header.php also.