In the above picture,in the 'Language' portion,languages are shown as 'en', 'es' etc. I want to display it like 'English','Spanish' etc. To do this, I have change the following portion of [dspace-install]/config/input-forms.xml file ->
<value-pairs value-pairs-name="common_iso_languages" dc-term="language_iso">
I have change the all <stored-value>, now after doing the change, the 'display value' of 'Language' portion of sidebar facet is not changed for already submitted items, if i do submit any items after changing the input-forms.xml,only for that item it is reflecting. But i want to change for all submitted items also. How can it possible?
The changes you made in your input-forms are not retroactive for submitted items (ie, the values were already set), you should use Batch Metadata Editing instead. Then reindex your dspace.