I am having a tough time understanding the how to formulate code to a cutting stock problem. I have searched the web extensively and I see a lot of theory but no actual examples.
The majority of query results point to the wikipedia page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cutting_stock_problem
13 patterns to be produced, with required amounts indicated alongside. The machine produces by default a 5600 width piece to be cut into widths below. Goal is to minimize waste.
Widths/Required amount
1380 22
1520 25
1560 12
1710 14
1820 18
1880 18
1930 20
2000 10
2050 12
2100 14
2140 16
2150 18
2200 20
Would someone show me how to formulate this solution in R with lpsolve/lpsolve API?
You could model it as a Mixed Integer Problem and solve it using various techniques. Of course to generate variables (i.e. a valid pattern of widths) you need to use a suitable column generation method.
Have a look at this C++ project: https://code.google.com/p/cspsol
cspsol is based on GLPK API library, uses column generation and branch & bound to solve the MIP. It may give you some hints about how to do it in R. Good luck !