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How to add new methods to an existing type in Go?

I want to add a convenience util method on to gorilla/mux Route and Router types:

package util


func (r *mux.Route) Subroute(tpl string, h http.Handler) *mux.Route{
    return r.PathPrefix("/" + tpl).Subrouter().PathPrefix("/").Handler(h)

func (r *mux.Router) Subroute(tpl string, h http.Handler) *mux.Route{
    return r.PathPrefix("/" + tpl).Subrouter().PathPrefix("/").Handler(h)

but the compiler informs me

Cannot define new methods on non-local type mux.Router

So how would I achieve this? Do I create a new struct type that has an anonymous mux.Route and mux.Router fields? Or something else?


  • As the compiler mentions, you can't extend existing types in another package. You can define your own type backed by the original as follows:

    type MyRouter mux.Router
    func (m *MyRouter) F() { ... }

    or by embedding the original router:

    type MyRouter struct {
    func (m *MyRouter) F() { ... }
    r := &MyRouter{router}