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TI-84 CSE GDP calculation

I am trying to create a program that will allow me to select a STATLIST (L1,L2,...) as variables and take L1 value one (L1,1) times L2 value 1(L2,1). Then sum that product with all values in the function.

So in a regular function form something like


This function is to calculate GDP to try and save time during my MacroEcon exam. So if anyone knows a program that will calculate basic economic functions like this given tables that would be even better.


  • Alright, I'm not entirely sure what you're asking for, but if my understanding is correct, it's not a difficult task.

    This is how I understand your question. You need to

    1. Accept two lists as input (L₁ and L₂)
    2. Multiply every element in L₁ by the corresponding element in L₂
    3. Take the sum of the result of step 2
    :Prompt L₁,L₂