I have a ruby-on-rails application that wishes to utilise the tumblr gem for adding posts when an action is taken (eg: creating a blog post)
I currently have the tumblr gem installed and can manage to fetch my posts using
@tumblruser = Tumblr::User.new('myemail','mypassword')
However when i go to add a post where it asks me to pass the user information like so (according to the API for the gem)
post = Tumblr::Post.create(@tumblruser, :type => 'video', :embed => @post.video_html, :title => @post.title, :caption => @post.content)
it just does not want to authenticate and returns a 403 error
anyone had any experience with this?
NEW SOLUTION: I have found recently that there has been a problem with the gem. So I have made a copy of it, changed a few things in the docs and code and put it at http://rubygems.org/gems/matenia-tumblr-api
Hope the changes and docs help someone else out there. As always I welcome any improvements, or refactoring on any of my projects. Kind Regards, Matenia
I managed to get around this by the way ... all i did was declare the username and password in place of @tumblruser
like so:
post = Tumblr::Post.create(:email => 'user name email here',
:password => 'my password',
:type => 'video',
:embed => @post.video_html,
:caption => @postcontent)
where @postcontent is the html text of post.content and gsubbed to escape most of the html.
hope this saves someone else some time.