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How to add different type values to an array in Ada?

My goal is to receive from standard input an equation, store that in an array for later use/re-printing, then output a line printing the whole equation AND the answer after just like so:

Input: 2+3=

Output: 2 + 3 = 5

I am very confused on how to go about doing this due to the inability of Ada to have dynamic strings and such.

This is a rough idea that I have in pseudo-code..


         --store the int in the array?
         --store the operator in the following index of that array? and
         --repeat until we hit the equal sign, signaling end of the equation

     exit Until_loop when CHECK_FOR_EQUALSIGN = "=";

     end loop Until_loop;

 --now that the array is filled up with the equation, go through it and do the math
 --AND print out the equation itself with the answer

I am guessing the array should look like:


I am also a beginner with Ada, so it's even more difficult to get a grasp of things, I am very good with Java, but I can't get used to the strongly typed syntax. Please ask if you need more info.


  • Ada can use dynamic fixed strings, without resorting to Unbounded_String or Containers, or allocation and pointers, although these are options.

    The insight making this possible is that a string can get its size from its initialisation expression when it is declared - but that declaration can be inside a loop, so that it is executed anew each time round the loop. You can't always structure a program so that this makes sense, though it's possible surprisingly often, with a little thought.

    Another feature is that later on, these "declare" blocks make great candidates for very easy refactoring into procedures.

    with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
    procedure Calculator is
          Put("Enter expression: ");
             Expression : String := Get_Line;
             exit when Expression = "Done";
             -- here you can parse the string character by character
             for i in Expression'range loop
             end loop;
       end Loop;
    end Calculator;

    You should get

    brian@Gannet:~/Ada/Play$ gnatmake calculator.adb
    gcc-4.9 -c calculator.adb
    gnatbind -x calculator.ali
    gnatlink calculator.ali
    brian@Gannet:~/Ada/Play$ ./calculator
    Enter expression: hello
    Enter expression: 2 + 2 =
    2 + 2 =
    Enter expression: Done

    You still have to write the calculator...