<ion-nav-bar ng-class="{'bar-positive': isAndroid, 'bar-stable': !isAndroid}">
<ion-tabs ng-class="{'tabs-positive': isAndroid, 'tabs-icon-top': true}">
<!-- Account Tab -->
<ion-tab title="Account" icon="ion-ios7-gear" href="#/tab/account">
<ion-nav-view name="tab-account"></ion-nav-view>
When I use the following markup, only the ion-tabs is styled - not the ion-nav-bar. How can I get them both to be styled, and why isn't the ion-nav-bar getting styled?
Ok, never mind. There's an issue for this on github. Also, I've found a somewhat convoluted workaround that should be fine until they fix the ion-nav-bar directive:
<ion-nav-bar class="{{ isAndroid ? 'bar-positive' : 'bar-stable' }}">