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How to add nodes under to different parents in Groovy Markup Builder by calling a method or closure

I would like to produce below xml. I do not want to add xsv block inside xpm and MyRoot by repeating the same code.Instead I want to call a method or closure so that It will return xsv block which can be added in the respective parent node(MyRoot and xpm)



  • Try the following piece of code:

    import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder
    def writer = new StringWriter()
    def builder = new MarkupBuilder(writer)
    def out = builder.MyRoot { 
       addXsv(builder, 'create', 4)
          xpm() {
             addXsv(builder, 'drop', 5)
    def addXsv(builder, name, id) {
       builder.xsv() {
          action name
          actionID id
    println writer