See my entire project code down below. It's not finished
This is how the game works: You enter an action to do, and if it exists, the player does it. The code checks to see if a word you typed in matches anything it has resembling that word in that particular room. The problem is that the chance to put in an input isn't always given to you and the project just ends or command prompt closes. Please help me so that after every command you type, it's guaranteed to not just shut down like it is now and allows the player to input something.
import os
openleft = '0'
openright = '0'
room = '0'
lights = '0'
draweropen = '0'
key = '0'
unlocked = '0'
open = ("It is already open.")
closed = ("It is already closed.")
shut = ("It is closed shut.")
print(" ")
print("*Stuck? Need Some Help? Try Using Some Commands Like:")
print("Open / Close / Unlock / Enter / Look / Check / ")
print(" ")
print("Welcome To A Text Adventure")
print(" ")
print("The Building")
print(" ")
print(" ")
print("You awake on the hard floor of a white room.")
if room == '0':
print("There are two wooden doors.")
i = input(">>>")
if 'look' in i:
print ("You see nothing.")
i = input(">>>")
if 'check' in i:
print ("You see nothing.")
i = input(">>>")
if 'open' in i:
if 'left' not in i:
if 'right' not in i:
print("Open what?")
i = input(">>>")
if 'open' in i:
if 'left' in i:
if 'right' in i:
print("Pick a single door.")
i = input(">>>")
if 'open' in i:
if 'left' in i:
if 'right' not in i:
if openleft == '0':
print("You open the left door.")
openleft = '1'
i = input(">>>")
i = input(">>>")
if 'open' in i:
if 'right' in i:
if 'left' not in i:
if unlocked == '0':
print("You attempt to open the door, but it's locked.")
i = input(">>>")
if unlocked == '1':
if openright == '0':
print("You open the right door.")
openright = '1'
i = input(">>>")
i = input(">>>")
if 'unlock' in i:
if 'right' in i:
if 'left' in i:
print("Pick a single door.")
i = input(">>>")
if 'unlock' in i:
if 'right' not in i:
if 'left' not in i:
print("Unlock what?")
i = input(">>>")
if 'unlock' in i:
if 'right' not in i:
if 'left' in i:
print("It does not have a lock.")
i = input(">>>")
if 'unlock' in i:
if 'right' in i:
if 'left' not in i:
if key == '0':
print("You cannot without a key.")
i = input(">>>")
if key == '1':
if unlocked == '0':
print("You unlock the door.")
unlocked = '1'
i = input(">>>")
if unlocked == '1':
print("It is already unlocked.")
i = input(">>>")
if 'close' in i:
if 'left' not in i:
if 'right' not in i:
print("Open what?")
i = input(">>>")
if 'close' in i:
if 'left' in i:
if 'right' in i:
print("Pick a single door.")
i = input(">>>")
if 'close' in i:
if 'left' in i:
if 'right' not in i:
if openleft == '0':
i = input(">>>")
print("You close the left door.")
openleft = '0'
i = input(">>>")
if 'close' in i:
if 'right' in i:
if 'left' not in i:
if openright == '0':
print("You close the right door.")
openright = '0'
i = input(">>>")
if 'enter' in i:
if 'right' in i:
if 'left' in i:
print("You cannot enter both.")
i = input(">>>")
if 'enter' in i:
if 'right' not in i:
if 'left' not in i:
print("Enter what?")
i = input(">>>")
if 'enter' in i:
if 'right' in i:
if 'left' not in i:
if openright == '0':
i = input(">>>")
if openright == '1':
print("You enter.")
room = '2'
if 'enter' in i:
if 'right' not in i:
if 'left' in i:
if openleft == '0':
i = input(">>>")
if openleft == '1':
print("You enter.")
print ("It is a dark room.")
room = '1'
if 'enter' not in i:
if 'open' not in i:
if 'close' not in i:
if 'left' not in i:
if 'right' not in i:
if 'open' not in i:
if 'close' not in i:
if 'unlock' not in i:
if 'look' not in i:
if 'check' not in i:
i = input(">>>")
if room == '1':
print ("You barely see the light switch next to you.")
i = input(">>>")
if 'flip' in i:
if 'switch' in i:
if lights == '0':
print("You turn on the lights.")
lights = '1'
print("You turn off the lights.")
lights = '0'
if 'turn' in i:
if 'on' in i:
if 'off' not in i:
if lights == '0':
print("You turn on the lights.")
lights = '1'
print("The lights are already on.")
if 'turn' in i:
if 'off' in i:
if 'on' not in i:
if lights == '1':
print("You turn off the lights.")
lights = '0'
print("The light are already off")
if 'look' in i:
if 'drawer' not in i:
if lights == '0':
print("It is too dark to see.")
if lights == '1':
print("You see a drawer in the corner of the room.")
if 'check' in i:
if 'drawer' not in i:
if lights == '0':
print("It is too dark to see.")
if lights == '1':
print("You see a drawer in the corner of the room.")
You should use a while loop to continuously get input until the specified break condition occurs. What happens in your program at the moment is the code falls off the end of the if statements.
if room == '1':
print ("You barely see the light switch next to you.")
i = input(">>>")
if 'flip' in i:
if 'switch' in i:
if lights == '0':
print("You turn on the lights.")
lights = '1'
print("You turn off the lights.")
lights = '0'
if 'turn' in i:
if 'on' in i:
if 'off' not in i:
if lights == '0':
print("You turn on the lights.")
lights = '1'
print("The lights are already on.")
if 'turn' in i:
if 'off' in i:
if 'on' not in i:
if lights == '1':
print("You turn off the lights.")
lights = '0'
print("The light are already off")
if 'look' in i:
if 'drawer' not in i:
if lights == '0':
print("It is too dark to see.")
if lights == '1':
print("You see a drawer in the corner of the room.")
if 'check' in i:
if 'drawer' not in i:
if lights == '0':
print("It is too dark to see.")
if lights == '1':
print("You see a drawer in the corner of the room.")
In this block of code, the input is only asked for once. if you do the following.
if room == '1':
print ("You barely see the light switch next to you.")
rest of the code
then mark cond as false to end the loop when you are finished.