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Overwrite a string in C

I'm trying to create a code that converts a decimal into any base between 2 and 16. But I don't know how to write a new value in my string.

void base_conversion(char s[], int x, int b) {
int j, y;
j = 0;
// your code here
while(b > 1 && b < 17) {

    if (x < 0) {
        x = (-x);
    }else if(x == 0) {
        s[j] = '\0';
        x = (x/b);

    while(x > 0) {

        y = (x%b);

        if (y == 10) {
            s[j] = 'A';
        }else if(y == 11) {
            s[j] = 'B';
        }else if(y == 12) {
            s[j] = 'C';
        }else if(y == 13) {
            s[j] = 'D';
        }else if(y == 14) {
            s[j] = 'E';
        }else if(y == 15) {
            s[j] = 'F';
            s[j] = y;
}j = j + 1;


  • You were almost there, although several mistakes, so I have "improved" your code. The infinite loop testing the base which needed to be done once only. The while() loops weren't quite organised right - x/b being done outside the digit extraction loop. Another change I made was to use a lookup array to convert each digit to a character, which saves a lot of laborious testing. I also returned the string passed as the function value - might as well add a tad more functionality. In the case of passing a bad base value, I could have returned NULL instead of an empty string. Note also I update j in the same statements where I use it as an index, which makes the code a little more fluent.

    #include <stdio.h>
    char *base_conversion (char *s, int x, int b) {
        char charr[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
        int i, j = 0, len, digit, neg = 0;
        *s = 0;                     // terminate the string passed
        if (b < 2 || b > 16)        // check the base
            return s;               // return an empty string
        if (x < 0) {
            x = -x;                 // adjust for negative input
            neg = 1;
        do {
            digit = x % b;          // extract each l.s. digit
            s[j++] = charr [digit]; // convert to character
        } while (x /= b);           // implicitly test for 0
        if (neg)                    // negative input
            s[j++] = '-';           // append a minus sign
        s[j] = 0;                   // terminate the string
        // reverse the string
        len = j;
        for (i=0; i<len/2; i++) {
            digit = s[i];
            s[i] = s[--j];          // pre-decrement j to next char index
            s[j] = digit;
        return s;
    int main () { 
        int n;
        char strig[65];
        for (n=1000; n>=-1000; n-=2000) {
            printf ("Binary      %d: %s\n", n, base_conversion (strig, n, 2)); 
            printf ("Ternary     %d: %s\n", n, base_conversion (strig, n, 3)); 
            printf ("Octal       %d: %s\n", n, base_conversion (strig, n, 8)); 
            printf ("Decimal     %d: %s\n", n, base_conversion (strig, n, 10)); 
            printf ("Hexadecimal %d: %s\n", n, base_conversion (strig, n, 16)); 
        return 0;

    Program output:

    Binary      1000: 1111101000
    Ternary     1000: 1101001
    Octal       1000: 1750
    Decimal     1000: 1000
    Hexadecimal 1000: 3E8
    Binary      -1000: -1111101000
    Ternary     -1000: -1101001
    Octal       -1000: -1750
    Decimal     -1000: -1000
    Hexadecimal -1000: -3E8