In SQL Server 2000, I have:
I need: 2015-01-19
I have :
I need: 2015-01-13
And so on.
Thanks in advance.
It is rather ambiguous what you mean by the first week of a month, but taking the common definition of the week starting on the first day, you can do this with date arithmetic. The result is something like:
select convert(datetime,
@year * 10000 + @month*100 + (@week - 1) * 7 + (@weekday - 1),
To be honest, I'm not 100% sure if SQL Server 2000 will convert the date correctly. You might need to cast it as a string first:
select convert(datetime,
cast(@year * 10000 + @month*100 + (@week - 1) * 7 + (@weekday - 1) as varchar(8)),
And, as the comment says, you don't want to be using unsupported software. It is time to upgrade.