I am writing a Fody Addin and I am able to inject my code and to provide error messages to the user. I am able to determine the sequence points of instructions, but I cannot find a way to find the sequence points of CustomAttributes.
I need to get this information to provide the debugger a hint where to find the location of an error, in case that an attribute has been applied wrongly.
So basically I have something like this:
public void Test()
Now I want to get the SequencePoint of the MyAttribute attribute.
I can access the sequence point of instructions like this:
public static SequencePoint GetSP(MethodDefinition method)
return method.Body.Instructions
.Where(instruction => instruction.SequencePoint != null)
.Select(instruction => instruction.SequencePoint)
That works fine for instructions but when I access an attribute I am not sure how to get the sequence point:
public static SequencePoint GetSP(MethodDefinition method)
var attribute = method.CustomAttributes.First();
// what to enter here to get SequencePoint of attribute?
This is not possible. Attributes don't have sequence points.
I suggest you just use the first sequence point for the method instead.