Search code examples

SUDS rendering a duplicate node and wrapping everything in it

Here is my code:

#Make the SOAP connection
url = ""
headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'}
ca_client_inventory = Client(url, location="", headers=headers)
#Make the SOAP headers
login = ca_client_inventory.factory.create('APICredentials')
login.DeveloperKey = 'REMOVED'
login.Password = 'REMOVED'
#Attach the headers

synch_inventory_item_list = ca_client_inventory.factory.create('SynchInventoryItemList')
synch_inventory_item_list.accountID = "REMOVED"

array_of_inventory_item_submit = ca_client_inventory.factory.create('ArrayOfInventoryItemSubmit')
for product in products:
   inventory_item_submit = ca_client_inventory.factory.create('InventoryItemSubmit')
    inventory_item_list = get_item_list(product)
    inventory_item_submit = [inventory_item_list]

synch_inventory_item_list.itemList = array_of_inventory_item_submit

#Call that service baby!

Here is what it outputs:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
                  <ns0:Title>The Big Book Of Crazy Quilt Stitches</ns0:Title>
                  <ns0:Description>Embellish the seams and patches of crazy quilt projects with over 75 embroidery stitches and floral motifs. You&apos;ll use this handy reference book again and again to dress up wall hangings, pillows, sachets, clothing, and other nostalgic creations.</ns0:Description>
                  <ns0:IsBlocked xsi:nil="true"/>
                     <ns0:RetailPrice xsi:nil="true"/>
                     <ns0:StartingPrice xsi:nil="true"/>
                     <ns0:ReservePrice xsi:nil="true"/>
                     <ns0:SecondChanceOfferPrice xsi:nil="true"/>
                           <ns0:Value>Patricia Eaton</ns0:Value>
                           <ns0:Name>Trim Size</ns0:Name>
                           <ns0:Name>Release Date</ns0:Name>
                           <ns0:Value>11/1/1999 0:00:00</ns0:Value>
                           <ns0:Name>Skill Level</ns0:Name>

See how it creates the accountID node twice and wraps the whole thing in it? WHY? How do I make it stop that?!

EDIT: I just noticed this in the SUDS output:

   tag = "accountID"
   value = 
         accountID = "REMOVED"
         itemList = 
               InventoryItemSubmit[] = 


What is this tag? ...going to check docs


  • The answer is in the very last line of my code I need to do this:

    ca_client_inventory.service.SynchInventoryItemList(accountID, array_of_inventory_item_submit)

    Where accountID is a variable that holds the string account id

    I was told by jortel in the #suds IRC chat room that: "suds provides an rpc interface that insulates users from soap messaging styles" And the new parameters in the call came from him too. Hope this helps someone.