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bootstrapvalidator gives "Cannot read property 'group' of undefined" on ckeditor field

I'm using ckeditor on a text area and I need to set a custom validation.

Following the example, I set the textbox using the jquery adapter in this way:

        skin: 'moono,/asset/css/moono/',
        language: 'it',
        toolbarGroups: [
        removeButtons: 'Strike,SpecialChar,Anchor',
        extraPlugins: 'youtube'
      }).editor.on('change', function() {
          .bootstrapValidator('updateStatus', 'text', 'NOT_VALIDATED')
          .bootstrapValidator('validateField', 'text');

declaring it in my html in this way

<form id="posteditor">
  <textarea class="form-control" name="text" id="text"></textarea>

when the onchange event is fired, the javascript console shows the message

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'group' of undefined

and the field is not validated.

Thanks for your help


  • The below works good,

          .bootstrapValidator('updateStatus', $('#text'), 'NOT_VALIDATED')
          .bootstrapValidator('validateField', $('#text'));


     $('#posteditor').bootstrapValidator('revalidateField', $('#text'));