this may sound like a silly question, but it would be really useful if there was a way around this.
I am writing a c++ code using microsoft visual which uses eigen, matlab, and ilog cplex libraries. It can be build without problem but there is a run time error as follow:
[Translated] impossible to start the program because it lacks "boost_log-vc100-mt-1_49.dll". Try reinstalling the programe for courriger this problem.
6 months ago I tried to use boost library but I gave up. After I deleted all dependencies to boost and I used Eigen without any problem. Even I can not run previous versions of my code now! Maybe I deleted a file some where?
Moreover, I tried my code on another machine and the error is the same. So, it looks it's not a system error.
I appreciate any advice you may have. Thank you.
It's solved! Matlab has some boost libraries and the link between MSV and matlab was not working though it was mentioned in linker. I copied those dll files to the current folder and now it is working.