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Remove amenities NAMES from openstreetmap

Doe is exists a way to remove all the business from the OSM map? Also like shops, bars, restorations, hotels etc.

I wish to use a maps with a less info. Is it possible to do this from the original OSM server? Maybe like a option in URL or something else? I use Leaflet library for my project, maybe some option in it?

I wished to have it like in GMAPS API:

new google.maps.Map(map_div,{

Over JS or over extra URL, so or so, but without any business.


  • The short answer: No.

    The map you see on is composed of static PNG images. You cannot affect how they are generated.

    But then, OpenStreetMap isn't really intended to serve up maps to end-users. The project's primary product is the raw map data you can download from not the map you see in your browser.

    What you can do is download the raw map data and render your own map without businesses included. Using the whole planet dump is kind of overwhelming but you can download smaller extracts of the OSM data (state or in some cases city level) from several different providers. See the OSM wiki for details.

    Once you have the data you can render it with several different tools. I wrote a blog post a while ago about rendering tiles using Maperitive. There is also Tilemill and probably some others that I'm not thinking of right now.