I kindly need a clarification on php phar file management as on documentation I did not find what expected.
More in deep I have a simple project like this
function helloworld() {
echo "Hello World\n";
Then I've create a phar file with such script:
$pharfile = '/home/stefano/test.phar';
if (file_exists($pharfile)) unlink($pharfile);
$phar = new Phar(
FilesystemIterator::CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO | FilesystemIterator::KEY_AS_FILENAME,
$phar['main.php'] = php_strip_whitespace("main.php");
$phar['helloworld.php'] = php_strip_whitespace("helloworls.php");
If I distribute [buildphar.php] to another machine and I try to run it
php buildphar.php
The error given is "Fatal error: function 'helloworld' not found in phar://(...)" and so the question is: - How can I mantain include_once('helloword.php') but remove them from phar file knowing that's function is embedded on phar file and does not need to be included? - What's wrong on my approach?
Thanks anyone. Stefano
The code you give does not work. Also, distributing buildphar.php
does not make sense - you probably mean you distribute the .phar
The problem you're facing (includes do not work) can be solved with Phar::interceptFileFuncs()
in the phar stub.