I need to update the AttachmentPart contents inside a SOAPMessage as shown in following figure. I need to keep the headers same.
Is it possible to do it without creating a new SOAP message? I am using SAAJ APIs.
Can you use the SOAPMessage.getAttachments() call which returns an iterator of all the attachment parts to pull the attachments into a new object, make the necessary modifications, and then call the SOAPMessage.removeAllAttachments() function to clear the objects from the original message and call the addAttachmentPart(AttachmentPart) function to re-add the altered objects?
SOAPMessage message = getSoapMessageFromString(foo);
List<AttachmentPart> collectionOfAttachments = new ArrayList<AttachmentPart>();
for (Iterator attachmentIterator = message.getAttachments(); attachmentIterator.hasNext()) {
AttachmentPart attachment = (AttachmentPart) attachmentIterator.next();
//**DO WORK HERE ON attachment**
for (AttachmentPart newAttachment : collectionOfAttachments) {
// This method takes an XML string as input and uses it to create a new
// SOAPMessage object
// and then returns that object for further use.
private static SOAPMessage getSoapMessageFromString(String xml)
throws SOAPException, IOException {
MessageFactory factory = MessageFactory.newInstance();
// Create a new message object with default MIME headers and the data
// from the XML string we passed in
SOAPMessage message = factory
new MimeHeaders(),
new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes(Charset
return message;
What kind of alterations are you looking to make to your attachments? Would it be easier to just keep the body in a DOM object and create a new SOAPMessage alltogether?