I am new to vaadin I came from GWT based project where we have persistence and business logic as Java EE modules and web client as Java Web app. Now I have my modules ready with my app logic intact the only problem I am having now is how to inject my beans to vaadin app because using the vaadin cdi addon, I can only inject classes from the vaadin app. Is there a way I can inject my classes? I added the classes to my vaadin app as dependencies. Any help please?
This should work, but there are some issues, especially with some environments. Makes sure you use the latest Vaadin CDI release. With the current 1.0.2 there are this kind of issues with some servers, but the workaround is to upgrade the project to use explicitly DeltaSpike 1.2.1. I a helper project that does this and adds also some handy helper libraries called vaadin-java-ee-essentials. If you don't want to start using it, check its pom.xml how Deltapike version can be upgraded. An example that uses it.
If you can't make it work, let me know more about your server and setup so we can fix it.