Is there an easy way to serialize to json without "tpe" field inside an object? I need to serialize case classes to json structures and then, send them over the wire (They won't been deserialized in future). I have a specific api, so.. I don't need additional fields.
For class Person
illustrated below:
case class Person(Name: String, Age: int, CandyLover: Boolean)
I'd like to see following:
"Name": "Paul",
"Age": 23,
"CandyLover": true
Probably the simplest way to do it is to pass somehow the Hint
into JSONPickleBuilder
. Quick way to do it is to override builders in JSONPickleFormat
by calling hintStaticallyElidedType()
method from PickleTools
Here is kind of code snippet to demonstrate it:
import org.specs2.matcher.JsonMatchers
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import org.specs2.specification.Scope
import scala.pickling.Defaults._
import scala.pickling.json.{JSONPickleBuilder, JSONPickleFormat, JsonFormats}
import scala.pickling.{Output, PBuilder, PickleTools, StringOutput}
class PersonJsonFormatsTest extends Specification with JsonMatchers {
trait Context extends Scope with PersonJsonFormats
trait PersonJsonFormats extends JsonFormats {
override implicit val pickleFormat: JSONPickleFormat = new PersonJSONPickleFormat
class PersonJSONPickleFormat extends JSONPickleFormat {
override def createBuilder() = new JSONPickleBuilder(this, new StringOutput) with PickleTools {
override def createBuilder(out: Output[String]): PBuilder = new JSONPickleBuilder(this, out) with PickleTools {
"Pickle" should {
"Serialize Person without $type field in resulting JSON" in new Context {
case class Person(Name: String, Age: Int, CandyLover: Boolean)
val pickledPersonObject = Person("Paul", 23, CandyLover = true).pickle
pickledPersonObject.value must not */("$type" → ".*".r)
The output of println(pickledPersonObject.value)
will be as you need:
"Name": "Paul",
"Age": 23,
"CandyLover": true
This way you will stay aligned with further pickle updates.
P.S. If someone knows more elegant and convenient way to reach the same behaviour - please let us know :-)