I am able to selectively enable / disable items in a PropertyGrid
by setting BrowsableAttributes
to an array containing CategoryAttribute
objects. However, I wish to enable some items within a category and disable others within the same category, so I thought I would create my own custom attribute class and apply this to the properties in my object, but this does not seem to work.
Here is my custom attribute class:
Public Enum HeadType
DMA = 1
TMA = 2
Both = 0
End Enum
Public Class HeadTypeAttribute
Inherits Attribute
Public Property HeadType As HeadType
Public Sub New(HeadType As HeadType)
Me.HeadType = HeadType
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Match(obj As Object) As Boolean
Debug.Print("HeadTypeAttribute.Match obj.HeadType=" & obj.HeadType.ToString())
Debug.Print("HeadTypeAttribute.Match Me.HeadType=" & Me.HeadType.ToString())
Dim bMatch As Boolean = TypeOf obj Is HeadTypeAttribute AndAlso CType(obj, HeadTypeAttribute).HeadType = Me.HeadType
Return bMatch
End Function
End Class
I set BrowsableAttibutes
to an array containing two instances of my HeadTypeAttribute class, one with HeadType = HeadType.Both and one set to either HeadType.DMA or HeadType.TMA. I can see that the Match method is being called and is returning true for some items, but the grid is always empty.
Not adding the Both item in BrowsableAttributes and changing the Match function to always return True when the Both value is encountered seems to fix it:
Public Overrides Function Match(obj As Object) As Boolean
Return TypeOf obj Is HeadTypeAttribute AndAlso (CType(obj, HeadTypeAttribute).HeadType = Me.HeadType OrElse CType(obj, HeadTypeAttribute).HeadType = HeadType.Both)
End Function