I am having an issue using the date variable in the following MySQL statement. The date variable contains a string which represents a date.
personal = Event.find_by_sql ["SELECT *
FROM events
WHERE DATE(start) = ?
AND HOUR(start) = ?
AND user_id = ?;", date, hour, user]
The following is the resulting query which is run on the database.
FROM events
WHERE DATE(start) = ''2015-02-27''
AND HOUR(start) = 9
AND user_id = 123456789;
An extra set of quotes is added around the date string, which causes an error. Is there any way to get rid of the extra pair of quotes?
Have you tried using where
personal = Event.where("DATE(start) = ?", date.to_date).
where("HOUR(start) = ?", hour).
where(user_id: user)