I'm new to Qt and having some issues! Using QtCreator, I created a simple window that i'm now trying to set the background image of.
Searching around lead me to believe i should use QT stylesheets and after trying some examples I managed to get a background image working by using:
this->setStyleSheet(" background-image: url(C:/test.jpg)");
in the constructor of the main image. However this url reference is obviously quite bad, so I tried using resources. My qrc looks like this:
<qresource prefix="/images">
<file alias="background.jpg">image2.jpg</file>
Now trying to set the stylesheet with
this->setStyleSheet(" background-image: url(:/images/image2.jpg)");
this->setStyleSheet("background-image: url(:/background.jpg)");
or any combination of the two will not work!
One wierd thing i did discover is that when I go to the designer window and go to the properties window and set stylesheet of the main window to
background-image: url(:/images/image2.jpg)
it actually displays the background image in the designer preview! but as soon as I go to launch the application the background image is gone!
Can anyone explain why I'm having these problems? Thanks!
I think all you needed to do was add a semicolon inside the quotes.
this->setStyleSheet(" background-image: url(C:/test.jpg);");