How does one invert, reverse, negate (what should one call it?) the icons in Zurb Foundation?
This gives me a foreground on background color icon.
<i class="fi-marker"></i>
But I want a background on foreground icon. I was expecting that it would just be a name change, or add a class?
The playground page doesn't seem to have any trouble presenting it on hover so I'm assuming it is a trivial matter:
It looks like they just have just setup a few styles on several of the elements. Here are some styles I extracted from the playground page.
.f-dropdown li:hover, .f-dropdown li:focus {
background: #eeeeee
.f-dropdown.content:hover li {
.f-dropdown.content:hover {
.f-dropdown.content:hover i {
color: #FFF;
Hope this helps!