I´m using angular-translate $translate service to translate the title and meta description tags content dinamically according to the page (for SEO purposes).
I have a function that is called when a select combobox component with the language changes:
$scope.changeLanguage = function (langKey) {
$scope.langKey = langKey;
$rootScope.title = $translate('PAGE_TITLE');
tmhDynamicLocale.set(langKey).then(function (){
All my application content is translated but the title.
My application default language is english. When I change to spanish (for first time) it´s not translating. After that, if I change to english and then to spanish again it works. All next times will work.
I think I have fixed it this way:
$translate.uses(langKey).then(function() {
$rootScope.title = $translate('PAGE_TITLE');