Using MSSQL, I am trying to get some information from a journal where one event happens directly after another event.
So what I am effectively aiming for, is to get a row number partitioned by a TransactionID, and then I need the last 2 rows (last 2 row number) for EACH transactionID (Ordered by a TxnDate field). There could be any number of rows per TransactionID.
So I would get:
JnlId TxnId RowNum
5 10001 65
2 10001 66
10 10002 11
8 10002 12
5 10003 15
98 10003 16
Any ideas how I could achieve this as I am at a loss! The end game after this is to filter out the 'JnlId' field for a select few of IDs.
Bit of a back story. This customer thinks their staff is stealing, so I need to filter out when they are cancelling items directly before finishing off each transaction.
Try this, I added some extra rows to make dense rank more obvious:
Test data:
DECLARE @t table(JnlId int,TxnId int,RowNum int, TxnDate date)
INSERT @t values
(5, 10001,65, '2015-01-01'),
(2, 10001,66, '2015-01-02'),
(2, 10001,66, '2015-01-03'),
(2, 10001,66, '2015-01-04'),
(2, 10001,67, '2015-01-04'),
(2, 10001,67, '2015-01-04'),
(10,10002,11, '2015-01-03'),
(8, 10002,12, '2015-01-04'),
(5, 10003,15, '2015-01-05'),
(98,10003,16, '2015-01-06')
DENSE_RANK() over(partition by txnID order by TxnDate desc) rn,
JnlId, TxnId, RowNum, TxnDate
SELECT JnlId, TxnId, RowNum, TxnDate FROM CTE
WHERE rn<=2
JnlId TxnId RowNum TxnDate
2 10001 66 2015-01-04
2 10001 67 2015-01-04
2 10001 67 2015-01-04
2 10001 66 2015-01-03
8 10002 12 2015-01-04
10 10002 11 2015-01-03
98 10003 16 2015-01-06
5 10003 15 2015-01-05