Search code examples

Sometimes svg chart doesn't fit in the container but it works when screen refresh

Sometimes svg chart appear more small than normal. This problem is solved Reloading Screen.

//Values Graphic
$scope.$watch(, function () {
    var data = ? $scope.$eval( : vm.dataGraphic;

    setTimeout(sleep,500); //patch to "solve" this issue

    function sleep(){
        vm.dataValues = getDataValues(data);

function getDataValues(data) {
    vm.dataGraphic = data || dataGraphicTest;
    if (vm.dataGraphic.values.length == 0) {
        return [];
    } else {
        vm.dataKeyValues = transformForKeyValues(vm.dataGraphic.values, vm.dataGraphic.accumulated);

        vm.barValues = transformBarValues(vm.dataGraphic.values, vm.dataGraphic.limit);
        var lineValues = transformLineValues(vm.barValues, vm.dataGraphic.limit, vm.dataGraphic.accumulated, vm.dataGraphic.startMonthlyLimit);
        vm.maxY = calculateMaxY(vm.barValues, lineValues);

        return [
            "bar": true,
            "values": vm.barValues
            "key": _graphicsValorPorDefecto,
            "color": _graphicsColors.line,
            "values": lineValues

SVG element with the following html tags appears with wrong dimensions.

<g class="nvd3 nv-wrap nv-linePlusBar" transform="translate(35,10)">

This problem does not always happen, but when it happens is arranged refreshing the screen.

I think this patch is a bad idea and I would like to understand what is happening .



  • I think your problem ultimately stems from your watch:

    $scope.$watch(, function () {
        var data = ? $scope.$eval( : vm.dataGraphic;
        setTimeout(sleep,500); //patch to "solve" this issue
        function sleep(){
            vm.dataValues = getDataValues(data);

    The problem I see is that you're using setTimeout to call your sleep function a half second after the watch fires. As it is now, this will be fine if your $digest is still running in 500ms. setTimeout is a vanilla JavaScript function, so calling it won't notify angularjs that there are any changes after the $digest has ended. Angular only triggers a $digest after 'user-initiated' events like ajax, clicks, entering data, etc. (read more here). If the $digest is running, you'll get lucky and angularjs will just happen to see those changes. You'll need to inform angular of your changes using $scope.$apply:

    $scope.$watch(, function () {
        var data = ? $scope.$eval( : vm.dataGraphic;
        setTimeout(sleep,500); //patch to "solve" this issue
        function sleep(){
            vm.dataValues = getDataValues(data);

    There are a lot of ways to use $scope.$apply, so be sure to check out the documentation. Also do a search on something like 'when to use $scope.$apply' and you'll find a lot of people for and against it. It does trigger another $digest loop, which can be costly if you have a lot of bindings or if you're at the end of the final digest loop and apply causes it to start over.

    I don't think it's actually a good idea to be updating your model using setTimeout from within a watch function. Does this not work without it? You may have some other async code that needs to be applied in the same fashion. Generally, you want $scope.$apply to be as close to the non-angular asynchronous code as possible.