I'm using Phirehose to pull tweets using the Twitter Streaming API. I'm wanting to pull geotagged tweets with certain keywords, like so:
$sc->setLocations(array(array(-180,-90,180,90))); //any geotagged tweet
getKeywords class function looks like:
public function getKeywords()
$array = array('hurricane', 'flood', 'tornado','tsunami','earthquake');
return $array;
The problem is that setLocation()
seems to cause setTrack()
to not pull tweets with those keywords. If I remove setLocation()
altogether, setTrack()
pulls keywords fine. Is there any way I can pull geotagged tweets containing those keywords?
"The track, follow, and locations fields should be considered to be combined with an OR operator. track=foo&follow=1234 returns Tweets matching “foo” OR created by user 1234."
As said from Twitter's guys in https://dev.twitter.com/streaming/reference/post/statuses/filter