I have a problem with my already published game at Google Play Store.
In my first published game I have not used any Google APIs.
But in my next update I have used Google Play Game Services.
Now I have uploaded updated APK for Alpha testing. When I have downloaded my app I get
"The application is incorrectly configured. Check that the package name and signing certificate match the client ID created in Developer console. Also if the application...."
I have Googled it everywhere. And I got to know its SHA Key1 or Game key from the Google error.
I have checked the SHA1 key that is available in
Eclipse -Windows > Preferences > Android > Build = SHA1
This SHA1 key and the SHA1 key that I have given for OAuth 2.0 at Google API are the same.
But when I export my apk file to upload on Google Play, the SHA1 key generated at last is different than the one I have got in eclipse.
Can anybody help me solve the problem with the SHA1 keys?
When you upload an apk to play store then for any api that require SHA1 must use SHA1 that was generated during signing process. Not the SHA1 that eclipse provide.
Try it.