I'm writing a C# command line tool to fetch data from AX and to add data (create new tables) to AX.
Fetching data from an AX table is easy and documented here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc197126.aspx
Adding data to an existing table is also easy: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa868997.aspx
But I cannot figure out how to do two things:
Can someone please share some sample code or give some pointers on where to start looking. My searches on Google and MSDN have not revealed much.
NOTE: I am not an experienced AX or ERP developer.
Here is a way to create a new AX table from C# (this is using an extension method):
public static bool CreateAXTable(this Axapta ax)
string TableName = "MyCustomTable";
string size = "255"; //You could load this from a setting
bool val = false;
if (!ax.TableExists(TableName))
AxaptaObject TablesNode = (AxaptaObject)ax.CallStaticClassMethod("TreeNode", "findNode", @"\Data Dictionary\Tables");
AxaptaObject node;
AxaptaObject fields;
AxaptaObject fieldNode;
TablesNode.Call("AOTadd", TableName);
node = (AxaptaObject)ax.CallStaticClassMethod("TreeNode", "findNode", "\\Data dictionary\\Tables\\" + TableName);
fields = (AxaptaObject)ax.CallStaticClassMethod("TreeNode", "findNode", "\\Data dictionary\\Tables\\" + TableName + "\\Fields");
fields.Call("addString", "String1"); //add a string field
fieldNode = (AxaptaObject)fields.Call("AOTfindChild", "String1"); //grab a reference to the field
fieldNode.Call("AOTsetProperty", "StringSize", size);
fields.Call("addString", "String2"); //add a string field
fieldNode = (AxaptaObject)fields.Call("AOTfindChild", "String2"); //grab a reference to the field
fieldNode.Call("AOTsetProperty", "StringSize", size);
fields.Call("addString", "String3"); //add a string field
fieldNode = (AxaptaObject)fields.Call("AOTfindChild", "String3"); //grab a reference to the field
fieldNode.Call("AOTsetProperty", "StringSize", size);
fields.Call("addString", "String4"); //add a string field
fieldNode = (AxaptaObject)fields.Call("AOTfindChild", "String4"); //grab a reference to the field
fieldNode.Call("AOTsetProperty", "StringSize", size);
fields.Call("addReal", "Real1");
fields.Call("addReal", "Real2");
fields.Call("addReal", "Real3");
fields.Call("addReal", "Real4");
fields.Call("addDate", "Date1");
fields.Call("addDate", "Date2");
fields.Call("addDate", "Date3");
fields.Call("addDate", "Date4");
AxaptaObject appl = ax.GetObject("appl");
appl.Call("dbSynchronize", Convert.ToInt32(node.Call("applObjectId")), false);
val = true;
else //Table already exists
val = true;
return val;
public static bool TableExists(this Axapta ax, string tableName)
return ((int)ax.CallStaticClassMethod("Global", "tableName2Id", tableName) > 0);