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How can I show the title in front of logo not under it in Shiny R

So the following code writes the title under logo while I want it to be in front of the logo. In titlePanel help in RStudio there's no help regarding positioning the title. Any hack for this?

  list(tags$head(HTML('<img src="" border="0" style="border:2px width="10"  height="10"   alt="Photo of Milford Sound in New Zealand!" />'))),
  div(style="padding: 0px 0px",
        title="University of Wisconsin-Madison Database Group", windowTitle="FML"

This is how it looks like now: enter image description here


  • This is what I can think of. You can wrap your <img /> tag inside a <h1>...</h1> as follows:

    server <- function(input,output,session){  
    ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(
        list(tags$head(HTML('<h1> <img src="" border="0" style="border:2px width="10"  height="10"   alt="Photo of Milford Sound in New Zealand!"/> University of Wisconsin-Madison Database Group</h1>')))
    shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)