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Google Analytics API errors on custom dimension

Does google support selecting and filtering of custom dimensions in its API? It errors out every time I try to make a query with ga:dimension1

Client code:

    //analytics.js include on the previous line        
    ga('create', 'UA-50XXXXXX-1', '');
    ga('set', 'dimension1', 'var1' );
    ga('set', 'dimension2', 'var2' );
    ga('set', 'dimension3', 'var3' );
    ga('require', 'displayfeatures');
    ga('send', 'pageview');

I go to and put in my account info, ga:pageviews as the metrics and ga:dimension1 as the dimensions and it gives me this as a Query URI:

When I run the Query URI it returns:

    Ack! There was an error!
    400 : Unknown dimension(s): ga:dimension1

Do I need to enable something on my account? Do I need to go back to ga.js and custom vars


  • The most likely explanation is that you haven't enabled custom dimensions on your property in Google Analytics.

    This article should explain how if you're unsure: