Just cannot get my head around this after 10 hours of trying:
if I
and console.log the doc returned, all looks good:
{ _id: 54dcad6de4b01007caacb0cd,
username: 'realizertest',
password: '******************************',
first_name: 'Realizer',
second_name: 'Test',
display_name: 'Realizer Test',
email: 'system@realizerlabs.com' }
However, when trying to access the included fields, e.g. by:
user = users.findById(req.body.user_id,function(e,doc){});
var user_email = user.email;
I just get undefined. The user object looks like this:
{ col:
{ manager:
{ driver: [Object],
helper: [Object],
collections: [Object],
options: [Object],
_events: {} },
{ _construct_args: [],
_native: [Object],
_emitter: [Object],
_state: 2,
_connect_args: [Object] },
helper: { toObjectID: [Function], id: [Ob
name: 'users',
{ _construct_args: [],
_native: [Object],
_emitter: [Object],
_state: 2,
_skin_db: [Object],
_collection_args: [Object],
id: [Object],
emitter: [Object] },
options: {} },
type: 'findOne',
opts: { fields: {}, safe: true },
domain: null,
{ error: [ [Function], [Function] ],
success: [ [Function], [Function] ] },
_maxListeners: 10,
emitted: {},
ended: false,
success: [Function],
error: [Function],
complete: [Function],
resolve: [Function],
fulfill: [Function],
reject: [Function],
query: { _id: 54dcad6de4b01007caacb0cd } }
I've also tried user.query.email
but get the same result.
The findById obviously doesn't return a JSON object that I can use in this way.
How can I get at these fields?
It's an async call, so you need to use the callback, you can't assign that function to a variable:
var user = doc;
console.log(user); //should see the object now, and access the props