How can this work?
class A
attr_accessor :name
def initialize params
@name = params[:name]
@collection <<
class B < A
def initialize
@my_name = lookup_something(<>)
Basically, I need a value from the parent class to use in a lookup on the child class, but I don't want to pass it explicitly if there's a better way. Is the instance var of the parent totally inaccessible in the child class? Or is this just poor hierarchy design?
I don't really know what you are trying to do here - all the code you posted works on instance variables. Instance variables are per-object, not per class, so I don't know what you mean when you say "I need a value from the parent class".
There are several things that I note with your code:
objects in A#initialize
is not a good thing, because the base uses the subclass. B#initialize
with a completely different behaviour than A#initialize
the variable @name
is never assigned, because the A#initialize
method is never called. You will have to either call super(:name => name)
(to run the superclass initialize
) or you have to assign to @name
directly in B#initialize
is defined, all your instance methods can use its value. Including the ones that are defined in the parent/superclass. Let me say I'm not quite sure why you are using inheritance here, I have the feeling that it is not what you want. If you have two classes for two different things, there should never be inheritance involved. If you want to re-use code, either have a look at Ruby's mixin feature, or compose your complex objects of several "smaller" objects that have the behaviour you want to re-use.