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How to create a .BAT file to download and unpack a zip file?

How to create a .BAT file to download and unpack a zip file from HTTP server?

We have links like and absolute folder link like C:\Users\UserName\Some mixed Русский English Adress\

if files from zip exist in directory owerrite them.

using only native windows (xp vista win7 etc) BAT functions and files.

Could you add code example, please.


  • Try this hybrid bat/vbs script

    @echo off
     > %temp%\~tmp.vbs echo sUrl = ""
    >> %temp%\~tmp.vbs echo sFolder = "c:\temp\unzip"
    >> %temp%\~tmp.vbs (findstr "'--VBS" "%0" | findstr /v "findstr")
    cscript //nologo %temp%\~tmp.vbs
    del /q %temp%\~tmp.vbs
    goto :eof
    '--- figure out temp file & folder
    With CreateObject("WScript.Shell")  '--VBS
        sTempFile = .Environment("Process").Item("TEMP") & "\"  '--VBS 
        sTempFolder = .Environment("Process").Item("TEMP") & "\"  '--VBS
    End With    '--VBS
    '--- download
    WiTh CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") '--VBS
        .Open "GET", sUrl, false    '--VBS
        .Send() '--VBS
        If .Status = 200 Then   '--VBS
            ResponseBody = .ResponseBody    '--VBS
            With Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") '--VBS
                If .FileExists(sTempFile) Then  '--VBS
                    .DeleteFile sTempFile   '--VBS
                End If  '--VBS
            End With    '--VBS
            With CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")   '--VBS
                .Open   '--VBS
                .Type = 1 ' adTypeBinary    '--VBS
                .Write ResponseBody '--VBS
                .Position = 0   '--VBS
                .SaveToFile sTempFile   '--VBS
            End With    '--VBS
        End If  '--VBS
    End With    '--VBS
    '--- extract
    With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") '--VBS
        On Error Resume Next    '--VBS
        .CreateFolder sFolder   '--VBS
        .DeleteFolder sTempFolder, True '--VBS
        .CreateFolder sTempFolder   '--VBS
        On Error GoTo 0 '--VBS
        With CreateObject("Shell.Application")  '--VBS
            .NameSpace(sTempFolder).CopyHere .NameSpace(sTempFile).Items    '--VBS
        End With    '--VBS
        .CopyFolder sTempFolder, sFolder, True  '--VBS
        .DeleteFolder sTempFile, True   '--VBS
        .DeleteFile sTempFile, True '--VBS
    End With    '--VBS