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How to fix an invalid XML so it can be consumed by Spring WebServiceTemplate

I'm using Spring's WebServiceTemplate to consume a Soap service. Once in a while this Soap service responds with an invalid XML. I would like to intercept its parser and fix the invalid XML before it is parsed. How could I do that? Right now I'm calling:

wsTemplate.sendSourceAndReceiveToResult(new StreamSource(new StringInputStream(msg)),new StreamResult(stringWriter))

I suppose I have to call sendSourceAndReceive and define my own SourceExtractor but that seems like I'm meddling too much on the process when I actually wanted to do something simple.

This is the problem I want to fix:

An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x1f) was found in the element content of the document.

SystemErr     R    at :210)

That character is accepted in XML 1.1 but the document is described as XML 1.0:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

So what I want is to replace that character for a tab or a space.


  • I was able to fix the message before it's parsed by decorating the webServiceTemplate's WebServiceMessageFactory as follows:

    final WebServiceMessageFactory mfOriginal = myWebServiceTemplate.getMessageFactory();
    WebServiceMessageFactory mfDecorator = new WebServiceMessageFactory() {
        public WebServiceMessage createWebServiceMessage(final InputStream inputStream) throws InvalidXmlException, IOException {
            InputStream decoratedIs = new InputStream() {
                public int read() throws IOException {
                    int nextByte =;
                    // Replacing the invalid character with a tab. Touching nothing else.
                    if (nextByte == 0x1f) {
                        nextByte = 0x09;
                    return nextByte;
            return mfOriginal.createWebServiceMessage(decoratedIs);
        public WebServiceMessage createWebServiceMessage() {
            return mfOriginal.createWebServiceMessage();