I'm using OpenERP 8 odoo and I'm following the report creation tutorial but I get stuck at where i can but the report record code for example:
attachment="(object.state in ('open','paid')) and
('INV'+(object.number or '').replace('/','')+'.pdf')"
Thanks in advance Reference : http://blog.emiprotechnologies.com/create-qweb-report-odoo/
In General Directory file structure for creating the Qweb Report in ODOO
report directory file contain
__ init __.py file
which is use as the manifest file for any python module its kind of entry point of the python module. (add the entry point of the your_report_parser_class_file.py file)
your_report_parser_class_file.py file
your report parser class file used to contain the report related function and variables which you want to call in future in your report (In Qweb View)
view directory file contain
report_your_report_name.xml file
Which is used to add the report view file it mean that the file will be displaying the for the Qweb View
(Generally its uses the bootstrap class andour custom css and Qweb template engine tags for designing the Qweb report and also this file has the added in __ openerp__.py file )
report_menu_file.xml file
Add the menu xml file for add the menu to print the Qweb Report which is totally near and have the same folder as the __ openerp__.py file
(this file also has the add the entry in __ openerp__.py file )