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Display first object in object array using mustache

I am new to Mustache and trying to figure out how to display the first object array in a list using mustache. I woulld like to be able to to pass a varialbe to decide which index of the list will be displayed using the mustache template. for example:

var template = $('#testing_tmp').html();
        var dataId = 1;
        var html =  Mustache.to_html(template, projects[dataId]);

Doing this code above it would pass the the data with the given index and display a single object with the given key instead of a whole list of objects.

Here is my code currently:

    <script id="testing_tmp" type="text/template">
            <div>{{id}} go get some {{title}}</div>

$('body').on('click', '.logo', function(){
        var projects = { 
            "proj": [
                    description:"This web applications was developed to keep track of my dads recipes and make them easily accesible.He is now able to check each user and make a dinner based on what everybody likes or in some cases dont like.",
                    technologiesUsed:"CodeIgniter, PHP, Sequel Pro, Javascript, jQuery,HTML5, CSS3, SASS, Foundation 5.0", 
                    images: [
                    description:"This web applications was developed to keep track of my dads recipes and make them easily accesible.He is now able to check each user and make a dinner based on what everybody likes or in some cases dont like.",
                    technologiesUsed:"CodeIgniter, PHP, Sequel Pro, Javascript, jQuery,HTML5, CSS3, SASS, Foundation 5.0", 
                    images: [
                    description:"This web applications was developed to keep track of my dads recipes and make them easily accesible.He is now able to check each user and make a dinner based on what everybody likes or in some cases dont like.",
                    technologiesUsed:"CodeIgniter, PHP, Sequel Pro, Javascript, jQuery,HTML5, CSS3, SASS, Foundation 5.0", 
                    images: [
        var template = $('#testing_tmp').html();
        var html =  Mustache.to_html(template, projects[1]);


  • You can do something like this:

    var html =  Mustache.to_html(template, { "proj" : projects.proj[1] });

    Here you are basically just restructuring the object to look like projects, but with only the second object in it.